About Janaaza786


As Salaam u Alaykum – Peace be upon you

This website posts ONLY JanAAza (Muslim Funeral) notices and related information.

Insha Allah (GOD willing), we pray that as more people are informed of a persons passing away, more prayers (dua’) will be made for the deceased.

DO NOT FORGET that each Funeral notice is also a reminder of our own janaaza that is to come and that is inevitable.

“When is it the correct time to start conduct one’self accordingly”

As a viewer YOU are invited to post a comment  if you knew a deceased  janaaza personally and if you have good comments to share about the deceased. (All such comments are moderated before appearing on this website.)

Please join us in this effort.  Was Salaam

Website Moderators – LaherJi  janaaza786 at gmail dot com (www.GrenstairsAcademy.com www.SalaamNewz.com www.laher.com) and team

Visits: 1073